Framework for Action

A. Cooperation & Coordination



1. Database clearing house for what services exist on Gabriola

Community Organizations on Gabriola

Initial Meeting of interested organizations to discuss: Sept 2008

2. Coalition/Council of community organizations – share info, identify and implement places for coordination and integration

3. Funded coordinator for coalition – visions

4. More on-island services – ie home support, mental health & addictions etc.

VIHA and Gabriola Physicians

Primary Health Care Integrated Health network to provide regular services/sessions on Gabriola starting August 1, 2008

5. Regular(twice/month) provision of chronic mgmt. education, mental health support and other Nanaimo hospital based initiatives on Gabriola

6. Integrated primary health care services – two options:
(a)centralized location for all services,
(b)centralized location for emergency response plus some services – other services dispersed throughout island with integrated communication.

Health Care Practitioners on Gabriola Island

As part of business plan process – see H

7.All health care providers and practitioners – traditional and non-traditional – coordinated

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